Vegetarian, vegan, and gluten free cooking made easy

Cherry Scones (V, V+ option)

Cherry Scones (V, V+ option)

Cherry Scone with Vanilla Glaze (V, V+ option)

February 7, 2021


  • 2 cups all-purpose flour
  • 1/3 cup raw granulated sugar
  • 8 tablespoons vegan butter or dairy butter in a stick form
  • 1 egg (can substitute Just Egg vegan option)
  • 1/2 cup sour cream (Can substitute vegan option sour cream)
  • 2 tablespoons brown sugar
  • 1 tablespoon baking powder
  • 1/4 teaspoon baking soda
  • 8 tablespoons butter (frozen) Yep! b/c you will grate it
  • 1/2 cup cherries (I used frozen and put in a food processor)
  • For Glaze
  • 1/2 cup sifted confectioner sugar
  • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla
  • *Adapted from
  • 3 tablespoons milk or non-dairy alternative
  • Step 1 In a large bowl add the dry ingredients: flour, both sugars, baking powder, and baking soda.
  • Step 2 In a smaller bowl, add the sour cream and the egg and mix.
  • Step 3 Prep the cherries: if frozen blend in a food processor to get some chunks. If fresh, pit the cherries and cut them into smaller pieces.
  • Step 4 Taking the frozen butter, grate to form small light curls.
  • Step 5 Then add the light swirls of butter to the dry mix and slowly mix together using a fork, and then when all butter seems to be coated, use your hand to gently mix together.
  • Step 6 Next, add the wet sour cream/egg mixture to the dry mixture and partially mix using your hand.
  • Step 7 Then before completely mixed in, add the cherries and mix together to form a single loose form.
  • Step 8 *Each time you mix, do it gently so as not to overmix. This will keep the baked scone lighter.
  • Step 9 Coat a surface lightly with flour and place your mound of dough.
  • Step 10 Gently press into a round flat circle about 8″ – 10″ in diameter.
  • Step 11 Cut into 8 pieces and place on a piece of parchment paper on a tray.
  • Step 12 Bake at 390°F for 18 minutes.
  • Step 13 For the Glaze:
  • Step 14 Sift the confectioner sugar into a bowl and add the vanilla.
  • Step 15 Then 1 teaspoon at a time, add the liquid and stir. Add enough liquid to get the consistency you would like.
  • Step 16 Once the scones are out of the oven, drizzle the glaze over them and Enjoy!
Grated frozen butter and dry mix, before blending together for dough
Loosely formed scone dough
Cherry scones before baking!
Hot out of the oven glazed scone! Yum!

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