Vegetarian, vegan, and gluten free cooking made easy

Sweet Summer Salad from Orchard and Farm​ (V, V+, GF)

Sweet Summer Salad from Orchard and Farm​ (V, V+, GF)

Last night’s salad made me take pause with the need to share its flavor!

Simple greens of baby spinach and kale, tabled atop with thin slices of farm fresh peaches and dotted with tiny chunks of fresh pear and strawberries!

The palate’s basin. I am salivating now, recounting the beautiful first mouthful. Also served with spoonfuls of soft goat cheese and a pear balsamic vinaigrette for those who choose (though last night, it was the straight up sweet fusion that I went for)!

Simply put, get to those farm stands and those beautiful orchards as they usher this season into the next. The gift is the abundance of flavors, colors and joy that can invite such simple clean taste, contented smiles and nutrients~

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