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Revisiting the Containers and Garden in June after the May Garden Planting (Round 2)

Revisiting the Containers and Garden in June after the May Garden Planting (Round 2)

It is the first weekend of June and the gardening has been giving us little gems. The containers on the back deck have yielded baby french radishes, tiny strawberries and abundance of foliage for the with the container potatoes.  The community garden plot has been gifting us with baby lettuce, snap peas and sprouting colorful swiss chard! It is amazing how the small changes mean so much and feel like such huge shifts when nurturing these from seeds!

Our first french radishes from container gardening












May 2nd, 2020, and the temp has reached a balmy 74°F.  The weather forecast has us staying in the ’40s or above for the next 10 days and May 12th is our zones (hardiness zone 7a) true cutoff for frost.

The garden today shows us that the lettuce seeds we planted are growing! It also shows us that the Sugar Ann Bush Pea plants have transitioned as brand new seedlings are growing as well! We even have some tiny wispy onion strands from our first planting back on April 21st, 2020.

Today, we planted some swiss chard, kale, bush beans, bush zucchini, cucumber, tomato, and pepper.  I have attached a rough layout review that shows rough spacing at this time.

May 8, 2020, Added some hay since a polar vortex is moving in this weekend!

We walk away from today’s garden visit with a few things: The reality is that as we transplanted some of our seedlings, the stems bent and perhaps cracked, so we will see what survives this transition, and what doesn’t. Also, this is fun. It’s not fast or exciting, but really enjoyable to see, to be present, to work with the earth outside and to find amazement that the original plants planted in April really are growing from seed and surviving in the soil and outdoor environment. Pretty Cool.