Vegetarian, vegan, and gluten free cooking made easy

Roasted Cauliflower Gratin with Goat Cheese Topping and Tomatoes (V, GF)

Roasted Cauliflower Gratin with Goat Cheese Topping and Tomatoes (V, GF)

Roasted Cauliflower Gratin with Goat Cheese Topping and Tomatoes

December 3, 2019


  • 1 head of cauliflower
  • Olive oil to drizzle
  • 1 medium onion (I use red)
  • 2 toes of garlic, chopped (or 2 teaspoons chopped)
  • 1 14 ounce can of diced petite tomatoes (with herbs)
  • 2 eggs
  • 4 - 5 ounces goat cheese
  • 4 sprigs of thyme
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • 1/2 tablespoon of sugar
  • Adapted from NYTimes Cooking Recipe
  • Step 1 Preheat the oven to 400°F.
  • Step 2 Clean and cut up the cauliflower into bite sized pieces and place on a baking sheet with parchment paper. Lightly drizzle with olive oil and salt and pepper and place in oven to bake for about 20 minutes (should be able to pierce with a fork easily).
  • Step 3 Remove from oven and reduce heat to 350°F.
  • Step 4 Next, dice up the onion and chop the garlic and place into a sauce pan that has been drizzled lightly with oil. Salt and pepper and start to saute on medium heat. Stir as needed and drizzle additional oil if needed during cooking.
  • Step 5 Take the thyme leaves off of the stem (as best as possible) and place into the pan and continue cooking until lightly cooked (about 5 – 7 minutes).
  • Step 6 Add the diced tomatoes and the sugar and stir.
  • Step 7 Turn the heat to low and continue to cook for 12 – 15 more minutes, stirring occasionally as the flavors begin to blend.
  • Step 8 Remove from heat and mix in with the roasted cauliflower and place in the baking pan.
  • Step 9 Using a knife and your fingers, slice small chunks of goat cheese and place into the baking dish and lightly stir in.
  • Step 10 Beat the eggs and pour over all of the ingredients in the baking pan and mix lightly. Salt and pepper the top before placing in oven to bake for an additional 25 minutes.
  • Step 11 Remove from the oven and let cool / set for 4 to 10 minutes before serving.

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