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Tag: Garden

Revisiting the Containers and Garden in June after the May Garden Planting (Round 2)

Revisiting the Containers and Garden in June after the May Garden Planting (Round 2)

It is the first weekend of June and the gardening has been giving us little gems. The containers on the back deck have yielded baby french radishes, tiny strawberries and abundance of foliage for the with the container potatoes.  The community garden plot has been […]

It’s More than time to revisit the Garden Efforts and See What’s Going On!

It’s More than time to revisit the Garden Efforts and See What’s Going On!

We have prepped the soil, staked the ground and even planted a few cold-hardy bush pea plant seedlings in our outdoor space. It is mid-April and we are said to have a frost coming in tomorrow sometime between 2 am and 8 am. Checking back […]